Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy birthday, Michael!

So for everyone who was wondering why there was so much sudden activity on my Wall (or maybe just activity on my wall in general)...

September 22:
My dad emailed me to say it was Michael Faraday's birthday. It's a nice tidbit of trivia in itself since he's my namesake. I thought this was cool, so to honor him I changed my birthday on facebook and went back to being productive in AUC's great library.

I got home late, hung out with some friends and got dinner. I was pretty tired from the long day so I didn't talk too much and then went upstairs to take a nap. About an hour later I got a call from one of my friends, who said I needed to come downstairs asap because she needed to ask me something. This was very confusing. Why all the urgency...

So I went downstairs to the courtyard and saw her and one of our friends sitting at a table. There was a package on the table that looked like it came from a dessert shop.

Oh no, I thought.

She said, "So we thought you were just tired from today and that's why you didn't talk with us much...then I got on facebook and saw that it was your birthday. I realized 'That's why he was so quiet, it was his birthday and we DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!' we went out and got you some cake. Happy birthday Jacob!!!"

Me: ...

*takes several bites*

Me: Aw, thanks! This is great!

(they look on in anticipation as I continue eating)

Me: I have something to tell you, too.

Them: Yes?

Me: ...It's not my birthday...

At which point I got slapped (deserved that one).
Unfortunately she didn't know about the Faraday story either, so I had to explain my reasons for all this "dishonesty."

Moral of the story: Don't trust Mark Zuckerberg's creation, it's been known to bend the truth! (Also, now I know who my true friends are, thanks Facebook.)

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